Zero Trust cybersecurity with Brama Systems

Zero Trust is a strategic approach to cybersecurity that secures an organisation by eliminating implicit trust and continuously validating every stage of a digital interaction.

Rooted in the principle of “never trust, always verify,” Zero Trust is designed to protect modern environments and enable digital transformation by using strong authentication methods, leveraging network segmentation, preventing lateral movement, providing Layer 7 threat prevention, and simplifying granular, “least access” policies. Thanks Paloalto for the info (Read More)

Assessment, control, and recovery operations. A Zero Trust solution requires operational capabilities that: Never trust, always verify – Treat every user, device, application/workload, and data flow as untrusted (National Security Agency | Cybersecurity Information)

NAC zero trust

NAC plays a key role in Zero Trust network access (ZTNA), and is a powerful tool for securing IoT devices and protecting mobile and remote workers (networkworld)

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Zero Trust cybersecurity with Brama Systems

Zero Trust cybersecurity with Brama Systems

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Zero Trust cybersecurity with Brama Systems

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Zero Trust cybersecurity with Brama Systems

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